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And of course, like so many people, she and I reunited on facebook. We got together for one night but that’s another story for another time. We also had a threesome once with my boyfriend but that’s also another story to be told later. Rose likes to tease me and tell me the freaky things her and that piece of shit do…it drives me crazy and she knows it…Here’s one…. “We went down to the arcade in *******. I sucked 3 different cocks through the glory hole. One of them I sucked twice. They tasted good, except one that had been somewhere. Lol. One of them was a big black dick and I could barely get my mouth around it. Tommy got VERY excited when he saw me handle it. I have only screwed one black man but dumb ass doesn’t know about that. The guy was fucking huge. Maybe I will do another one…of course, you know I will tell you about it. Thomas sucked the first one I sucked when the guy came into the neighboring booth. It was strange seeing the man I married getting down on a cock like. I recall a refreshing feeling as my breasts touched the cooler material of my top and enjoyed watching Rob trying to work out what to do with a large lacy bra in a busy bar. Ros’ turn next and she picked dare. I mused for a while and then said she should let Rob have a proper feel of her boobs as a good bye present. She laughed at me and said only if you do the same. By now Rob had put his drink down and was clapping, clearly very enthusiastic at the prospect. We both agreed that would have to happen outside the bar at the end of the night so we continued playing silly games, telling stories and generally flirting. As we kept drinking we were both unashamedly rubbing our breasts against him, and occasionally each other - much to Rob’s delight. Ros even started rubbing the bulge in his trousers at one point and then allowed the back of her hand to brush past the front of his trousers every minute or so so she could check how excited he was. This caused much fun because when she judged.
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